Connemara Life
Connemara Life is a luxury travel and lifestyle magazine promoting tourism to Ireland’s west coast. Unlike travel guides, Connemara Life showcases the region through storytelling, captivating photography, and a strong online presence that mirrors and enhances the printed edition.
Connemara Life targets a smart, adventurous readership that stretches from continental Europe to North America. These readers have both the means and the desire to travel and explore—to connect with Ireland’s culture, history, and ruggedly beautiful landscape. They can share their adventures via social networking and plan their return journeys to Ireland by way of the Connemara Life website.
The high quality of the publication—from the paper and printing to the writing and photography—make it a keepsake that will return home with visitors and be shared with their friends and family. Connemara Life, like its well-established and proven sibling magazines, will grace coffee tables for months to come.